We like to keep things simple and find this formula works!
Go to our Package Comparison page and choose a website package that best suits your business needs. Don't worry if you can't find a package that fits, we can create a bespoke package just for you! If you're unsure about which website package to choose or have any questions, we're here to help! Get in touch by clicking this link.
Before we start working on your website, we need to find out more about you and your business, so that we can better understand your website requirements. Once you purchase your website package, we will email you a link to our simple design form. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when creating a website, so feel free to tell us as much as you want about you and your company.
Once we've learnt more about you and your business, we will start the research and planning phase, so we can better understand your website needs. This involves things like mapping out your new site's architecture, outlining the general layout, analysing your current website, if you already have one, deciding what features should be implemented on your new site and looking at your competitors website to analyse their strengths.
This is where your site really comes to life! We'll get our creative juices flowing and design your website, one page at a time. Our team will work closely with you to design and populate the content of your new website to ensure it meets your expectations.
Once we have your approval of the designs, we move onto the development stage. We'll code your website and implement all functionality we've decided on during the Research and Planning phase. We'll also integrate your website with a Content Management System, so you can update your website yourself at any time.
When the build has been completed, we'll review your website to ensure all its components are working as intended and your website looks good across different systems and devices. We'll also send you a link to a beta version of your website for a final approval, before we make the site live.
The most exciting of all stages! Now that your website is ready, it's time to release it to the public. We will set-up your hosting and make your site live on your chosen domain. We'll also tell everyone about it on our Social Media channels.
Once launched, we'll send you a Content Management System guide with instructions on how to access and update your site. But this isn't where our work ends. We'll keep monitoring your website to ensure that all its components are up to date. We're also here to support you and provide an ongoing technical maintenance, should anything unexpected happen to your site or your business grows and you think it's time to upgrade your website to a bigger package.
Ready to get started? Choose your website package and have your website online in weeks!
Yes, you can upgrade your website package at any time. You can also add other packages e.g. Blog package or E-commerce package to your current package.
If you’d like to upgrade your current package, please contact us.
Yes. If you already own a domain name that you would like to use for your new website, you’ll just need to point it to our servers, where the website will be hosted.
We are not a Do-It-Yourself online website builder. We do all the design, build and the techy stuff for you because we’re experts at it.
Everything’s included in one price: hosting, your domain, design, build, launch and support are all included. Typically you’ll have to pay for these elements separately and the cost can build up!
We set up and launch your website for you. We consider a project complete when the website is fully populated with content, it looks great, and it is live. We won’t leave you in the lurch!
We don’t tie you in. If for any reason you want to move your website to another provider you are free to do so, but we’d be sad to see you leave.
We have put together a few website packages that you can choose from. Each one is tailored for a different stage of business (click the links for full website descriptions):
Starter packages:
Advanced packages:
Once you’ve selected your package, you can choose to add a blog or get us to design you a logo if you don’t already have one. Then we’ll create you a fantastic website with a Content Management System so you can edit images and text. And that’s not all: we’ll also purchase and set up your domain, set up your email addresses and set up web analytics and hosting – all included in the price.
We like to keep things as simple as possible and find this formula works!
STEP 1 – You tell us what you want. You provide your logo and complete our simple online form to tell us everything we need to know about your business
STEP 2 – We give you first draft designs. We design the website to match your existing logo or brand (or we can design you a logo if you don’t have one!)
STEP 3 – You provide us with site content a page at a time. And our designers will send you links to your pages as they are completed
STEP 4 – You send us final amends. We tweak the site design and content to your specification
STEP 5 – We ensure your site is working across different browsers and devices.
STEP 6 – We launch the site on your chosen domain and tell everyone about it on Social Media